Anyone who has ever loved and lost a pet knows the deep connection we can form with animals. This bond often feels timeless and unbreakable, leaving us wondering if our beloved pets may return to us in another life.
Consider the story of little Jasmine, an adorable Maltese. When I first picked her up from the breeder in Sydney, Jasmine was so small she could sit in the palm of my hand. I felt blessed; taking her home was like carrying a miracle in my pocket. From our first connection, we bonded as inseparable playmates destined for fun and adventure. After many years of heartfelt exchanges, our companionship sadly came to an end when she was tragically struck by a car.
Animals often incarnate to be with a particular soul throughout many lifetimes and return to continue their service as a companion to a human.
Pets often become cherished family members, offering unconditional love and emotional support. The idea they might return to us in another form provides hope and a sense of continuity, suggesting that the special bond we share with them can endure beyond a lifetime. This notion gives solace to those who have lost a beloved animal friend and reminds us of the profound value they bring to our lives.
Two years after Jasmine passed, I was living in America and scanning the classifieds when I read a post titled 'Tiny Maltese for Sale.' Happy memories flooded my thoughts. I resisted the temptation to call because of my uncertain residency status, yet for weeks I couldn't dismiss the idea. When my friend Lisa offered to care for the dog if I needed to leave, it finally swayed my decision.
Unable to let go of the idea that the female pup for sale might be Jasmine, I called and discovered she was still available due to two last-minute cancellations. The owner sensed the pup was waiting for me, which convinced me to take the long drive to meet her.
Walking through the gate of the ranch house, a young woman and her daughter, holding a puppy, came out to greet me. As soon as I came into view, the pup jumped from the little girl's arms and ran straight to me. Every reservation I had disappeared, and I drove home with a new addition to the household. Within 24 hours, I knew wholeheartedly this pup was Jasmine. Not only was she identical in appearance and temperament, but she also responded to her former name immediately and slept soundly at the foot of my bed from the very first night. Her peculiar habit of suspending her right paw in the air while eating confirmed it was her.
When my visa expired, I returned to Australia and left Jasmine in Lisa's care. During my visits back to the States, I spent quality time with Jasmine, who happily lived with Lisa for 14 years. Over that time, Lisa married and had a son, expanding Jasmine's circle of love. Jasmine would sit by the baby's crib, watching over him like a faithful guardian.
When Jasmine was diagnosed with a heart condition, she waited for me to return to the States to say goodbye before her spirit left her weary body. Knowing she had reincarnated once before, Lisa and I wondered if Jasmine would return in a different form. Clues pointing to the answer became clear two years later when I met a pet psychic in Australia. She sensed Jasmine's spirit when I showed her a photo and predicted that she would return as a scruffy dog who preferred a rural environment, loved turkey, and was known to eat cow droppings. She said Jasmine would be a mixed breed with stronger, longer legs and would not be interested in a delicate body that needed habitual grooming. Although it didn't sound like my usual preference, and both Lisa and I lived in the city, I stayed open.
Due to their heightened sensory awareness, pets remember their past lives and can appear in our dreams since time and space don't exist beyond the 3rd dimension.
A few months after my conversation with the pet psychic, Lisa dreamt of Jasmine trapped in a jail cell, pleading to be rescued. This inspired Lisa and her son to visit local shelters to find a puppy. Eventually, Lisa received a call about a six-month-old crossbreed whose college student owner could no longer care for him. When she saw the sweet black and white pup, she knew he was their new dog and her son named him Huckleberry.
A year later, Lisa’s family moved to a semi-rural property on the edge of the woods. The psychic's predictions were accurate, except Huckleberry ate deer droppings instead of cow dung. Turkey was one of his favorite treats, and his long legs made him fast on his feet when chasing squirrels. Huckleberry lived a happy 16 years and I enjoyed his delightful company during my visits with Lisa. I wondered if Huckleberry’s soul was now evolving to experience life as a human to learn the complex lesson of conscious creation.
As part of the family or in invaluable work or service roles, pets can evolve spiritually.
Animals are instinctively aware of the collective consciousness of their species, and they grow on a soul level by living close to humans. Their interactions with people allow them to learn many lessons and experience love, trust, loyalty, compassion, and collaboration. As humans, we have the opportunity to do the same. Viewing life from this vantage point undoubtedly comforts those grieving the loss of a beloved animal. Can pets reincarnate? Yes. Their valuable contribution leaves an indelible imprint on our hearts that continues to inspire and shape our lives long after they are gone, reminding us of the enduring bond we share across all dimensions of existence.